Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mas frustrado y ojos

So that means more frustration and eyes in Espanol becuase I'm just cool like that. Anyway, I tried to figure out what I'm doing and nothing is working. I just don't know. There is a lot of work here and its just not comming together at all. I mean, honestly I want to do something on the eyes dur becuase that is what I want. Sight is part of the eyes I mean, just arg..... I don't know... This whole project doesn't make sense to me.. It just doesn't. I dont really understand and its just so frustrating and I want to pull my hair out.

AHHHHHH Just rawr. I mean I have come up with some ideas as a project, as a result as have my other friends. However, what is the point? Besides graduating high school what is the point? None. Like, there is no point to get across except we don't nesacarilly NEED our eyes to get by in life. However, that is a report suposivly. I don't know...

Ms. Savido talked to me today but it has made me even more frustrated. I mean, seriously. My ideas weren't bashed this time but it made things more complicated. I don't know where I'm going with this so called project and what not... lol. ARRR...

1 comment:

Casey Mizgorski said...

Like me and mommy said. You should just have that little fair like thing that has to do with like eyes or something. I'm sure Aunt Mickey would let you use the gym and I'm sure you could find plenty of places/doctors that would help you out. I don't know. I liked the idea mommy came up with. I think you should try it.