Friday, September 4, 2009

Penny for a Clue?

So I just gave my questions to Mr. Hamilton and had them kind of ripped apart. Not really but he did. I am having troubles staying to the science aspect of Autostereograms and trying to find that out. Oh see if you haven't reached the conclusion that I found someone to interview, I found someone to interview. Oh and I also found a couple different Optometrists in Pittsburgh that I could as questions for or just use their infomation to give to people at the fair.

Since I am having problems with the questions (skipping around I know) I am going to post them here for other's to comment about. So here they go.

1. Have you done any research focusing on or about autostereograms?

a. What conclusions did you reach?

b. Have you ever heard of them?

2. In your own words, what is an Autostereogram?

3. What are some factors that affect whether or not you can see Autostereogram?

a. What are some viewing techniques you have come across?

b. Do these methods work for everyone?

4. How long does it usually take for someone to see an autostereogram?

a. Does it differ in each person?

i. Why or why not?

5. Is there a difference between seeing them on paper or the computer?

a. Which one works better?

b. Why?

1 comment:

sam said...

Excellent second effort, Shannon. Keep me posted on your contact with CW Tyler.