Tuesday, September 8, 2009

*Le Gasp* Progress!

So, I'd say I don't procrastinate but that would be a lie. HOWEVER! Yes, it's that important it needs to be capitalized. Anyway, I got a lot done with my interview. I know it seems like a slow project but it's a big deal. I have e-mailed Dr. Mallinger who is specialized in Optometry over in the North Shore and is very eager to help with my grad project. I also e-mailed Mr. C. W. Tyler and found about different stereoscopic images that I don't know about and am asking him about. My main thing I am happy to post is, and I quote:

" The main question that interests me is why they are so difficult for some people and so easy for others." C. W. Tyler

I am so happy for the fact this is the main focus of my project. This means other scientists and specialists are trying to find out what I am trying to find out. It's really nice. Basically, this is my progress from Friday to now. It's a lot for me... I'm going to keep working though don't you worry.


sam said...

I'm not sure if we covered this in our discussion today, but make sure you ask CW Tyler what, if anything, he has found to answer his question "why can some people see them while others can't?"

Even though he hasn't conducted formal research on this question, he might have some thoughts or theories.

L. Savido said...

Yeah!! I think this is going to be a great project!!!! (I hope you are getting excited.)
- Mrs. Savido