Monday, November 3, 2008

Complaining is the best I can do right now

Right now, I am really ready for a mental breakdown because of the stress that this Graduation Project has put on me. I know it is stressful to everyone but right now I'm uber frustrated. I can't think straight with everything that is going on around me on simple yet very complicated things.

Like, I don't know where or who I can possibly interview or how I would conduct that. I more than likely will have to do it either via e-mail or via phone for the fact that it would be hard to get representatives from Massachusetts to Pittsburgh for a 11th grader's graduation project. That isn't something that I would ask or even think about asking for the fact it is not possible, not realistic.

Then, the end project, where or what do I want? As of right now, all I am going to get is collective data which is something I don't think I had planned for... I wanted something to actually grasp on to, something to show for. Yes, collective data is something very important but it's not what I wanted.

Oh, speaking of "want" I don't know that. I know what I don't want but that honestly doesn't help me understand what I do want. I want to pass I know that for sure and I want this to be something somewhat fun not this drag that it is turning into. But I think more so I had unrealistic ideas of what was going to happen that I don't know... I had unrealistic ideas and the truth is setting in.

So where does this all leave me... A bunch of whining and nothing actually done.

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